직위 : 교수
전공 : 지반공학
전화 : 063-469-4766
이메일 : kangjoo@kunsan.ac.kr
연구실 : 지하수 토양 오염주요경력요약
ㆍ 교수(국립군산대학교)
ㆍ University of Wisconsin-Madison (박사)
ㆍ 서울대학교 (학/석사)
ㆍ 한국환경정책평가연구원 책임연구원
ㆍ BK21지반환경통합관리핵심인력양성사업팀장연구분야
ㆍ 지하수 공학
ㆍ 토양오염
ㆍ 수질관리 및 해양오염
1. 2010, Tracing the geographical origin of beefs being circulated in Korean markets based on stable isotopes "Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry" 24(1), 155-159, IF:2.79
2. 2010, Identification of groundwater recharge sources and processes in a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer: results from multi-level monitoring of hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes in a riverside agricultural area in Korea "Hydrological Processes" 24(3), 317-330, IF:2.488
3. 2010, Distribution and speciation of heavy metals and their sources in Kumho River sediment, Korea - Environmental Earth Sciences-60(5), 943-952 IF:1.059
4. 2010, Processes controlling the variations of pH, alkalinity, and CO2 partial pressure in the porewater of coal ash disposal site "Journal of Hazardous materials" 181(1-3), 74-81, IF:4.173
5. 2011, A delineation of regional hydraulic conductivity based on water table fluctuation "Journal of Hydrology" 399(3-4), 235-245, IF:2.656
6. 2012, Relations of As concentrations among groundwater, soil, and bedrock in Chungnam, Korea: Implications for As mobilization in groundwater according to the As-hosting mineral change "Journal of Hazardous materials" 199-200, 25-35, IF:4.173
7. 2012, Molecular analysis of spatial variation of iron-reducing bacteria in riverine alluvial aquifers of the Mankyeong River "The Journal of Microbiology" 50(2), 207-217, IF:1.095
8. 2012, Geochemical characteristics of fluoride in groundwater of Gimcheon, Korea: lithogenic and agricultural origins "Environmental earth sciences" 63(5), 1139-1148, IF:1.059
9. 2012, Co-contamination of arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater of unconsolidated aquifers under reducing environments "Chemosphere" 87(8), 851-856, IF:3.
10. 2013, Microbial and chemical contamination of groundwater around livestock mortality burial sites in Korea ― a review "Geosciences Journal" 16(4), 479-489, IF:0.744