
자유게시판 이용안내 입니다.
상업성 광고, 저속한 표현, 특정인에 대한 비방, 정치적 목적이나 성향, 반복적 게시물 등은 관리자에 의해 통보없이 삭제될 수 있으며, 불법유해 정보를 게시하거나 배포하면 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률 제 74조에 의거 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
I wrote this articl because Iwant to pubicize the choice of the college KunSan.
작성자 : 이*호 작성일 : 2017-06-18 조회수 : 1022

If we don’t know how to speak English conversation, We have to wait behind the scenes.
Let’s learn hard       
I wrote this article because I want to publicize the choice of the college Kunsan.
Gun-San University is the second line in the Jun-Buk province and it found on the West coast of the Sae-Man-Gun"(새만금) ground. If the government invest to the "Sae-Man=Gum" it will be great power to the Gun-San University students, as result, wonderful development will be processed big a new city upon the "Sae-Man-Gun" ground.
As I mention that I strongly believe, if we plan well to develop this "Sae-Man-Gum" ground then our Gun-San University value will be increased. And school fee of our university is much lower than the university of Jun-Nam and university of Jun-Buk, also the government assist program on the process now.
The location of our University is that in conjunction with middle and South of the West coast Korea so that we have a most good possibility grow in future.
 By the way, our Gun-San University are 60 years anniversary of establishment this year. The Gun-San University History Museum is opened this year that it will contribute that our university history and footsteps. That would not only beneficial to the Gun-San city also to offer many people in Korea to learn about Gum-Gang, the West coast geological study, history, culture and various subject. This will bring a unity of our society and understanding our University.

If we don’t know how to speak English conversation, We have to wait behind the scenes.
Let’s learn hard        
I wrote this article because I want to publicize the choice of the college Kunsan.
Gun-San University is the second line in the Jun-Buk province and it found on the West coast of the Sae-Man-Gun"(새만금) ground. If the government invest to the "Sae-Man=Gum" it will be great power to the Gun-San University students, as result, wonderful development will be processed big a new city upon the "Sae-Man-Gun" ground.
As I mention that I strongly believe, if we plan well to develop this "Sae-Man-Gum" ground then our Gun-San University value will be increased. And school fee of our university is much lower than the university of Jun-Nam and university of Jun-Buk, also the government assist program on the process now.
The location of our University is that in conjunction with middle and South of the West coast Korea so that we have a most good possibility grow in future.
 By the way, our Gun-San University are 60 years anniversary of establishment this year. The Gun-San University History Museum is opened this year that it will contribute that our university history and footsteps. That would not only beneficial to the Gun-San city also to offer many people in Korea to learn about Gum-Gang, the West coast geological study, history, culture and various subject. This will bring a unity of our society and understanding our University.

If we don’t know how to speak English conversation, We have to wait behind the scenes.
Let’s learn hard        
I wrote this article because I want to publicize the choice of the college Kunsan.
Gun-San University is the second line in the Jun-Buk province and it found on the West coast of the Sae-Man-Gun"(새만금) ground. If the government invest to the "Sae-Man=Gum" it will be great power to the Gun-San University students, as result, wonderful development will be processed big a new city upon the "Sae-Man-Gun" ground.
As I mention that I strongly believe, if we plan well to develop this "Sae-Man-Gum" ground then our Gun-San University value will be increased. And school fee of our university is much lower than the university of Jun-Nam and university of Jun-Buk, also the government assist program on the process now.
The location of our University is that in conjunction with middle and South of the West coast Korea so that we have a most good possibility grow in future.
 By the way, our Gun-San University are 60 years anniversary of establishment this year. The Gun-San University History Museum is opened this year that it will contribute that our university history and footsteps. That would not only beneficial to the Gun-San city also to offer many people in Korea to learn about Gum-Gang, the West coast geological study, history, culture and various subject. This will bring a unity of our society and understanding our University.

현재 게시물의 이전글과 다음글로 이동할 수 있는 링크를 보여주는 표입니다.
이전글 2017 IYF 세계문화댄스페스티벌 자원봉사자 모집!!!2017-05-10
다음글 [공모전] 소상공인·전통시장 활성화 아이디어 공모전2017-08-09

공공누리KOGL 공공저작물 자유이용허락

  • 공공저작물 자유이용 허락
국립군산대학교 에서 제작한 "자유게시판" 저작물은 "공공누리 " 공공저작물 자유이용 허락표시 적용 안함 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
  • 담당부서 : 군산대학교
  • 담당자 : 공통
  • 연락처 : 공통
  • 최종수정일 : 2023-03-24
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