Information and Communications Technology

Information and Communications Technology

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form (e.g., personal computers, digital television, email, or robots).

Choosing rugged, flexible, and reliable weather devices that can measure data under the most demanding circumstances is necessary for a project to be successful. These weather devices are attached to onshore and offshore meteorological structures, and can measure inside and outside temperature and humidity, barometric pressure, dew point, rainfall, wind speed and direction, UV and solar radiation, etc.

Efficient methods in obtaining the weather data for storage and analysis need to be employed. The weather data can be stored to computers or physical storages, or can be stored in the cloud as weather data for a specific site may need to be measured for a year or two. After obtaining large amounts of data, trends are realized, resource maps are plotted, supply curves are developed, optimal design is achieved, and lastly, the feasibility of the project is assessed.

Vantage Pro 2 weather device Vantage Pro 2 weather device

Photo from

공공누리KOGL 공공저작물 자유이용허락

  • 공공저작물 자유이용 허락
국립군산대학교 에서 제작한 "Information and Communications Technology" 저작물은 "공공누리 " 공공저작물 자유이용 허락표시 적용 안함 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.
  • 담당부서 : 신재생에너지연구센터
  • 담당자 : 김형주
  • 연락처 : 063-469-4760
  • 최종수정일 : 2020-02-14
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