Land reclamation
The development of Saemangeum started in 1991, and until now, 38.1% (110.8 km2) of the total project area (291 km2) has been developed and 12.1% (35.1 km2) of the total project area has been reclaimed. The Saemangeum gateway tourist complex project, which is to be established near Byeonsan-myeong, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea, is one of the notable projects in the area and is aimed at providing tourists with utilities and other convenient facilities. The total area of the project is 1.0 km2, in which golf courses, theme parks, hotels, and condos are to be constructed. The tourist complex was developed by land reclamation and will be divided into three major zones including ecology, commerce, and ocean experiences.

Dredging is the operation of excavating material from a water environment (sometimes temporarily created) for the purpose of improving existing water features; reshaping land and water features to alter drainage, navigability, and commercial use; construct dams, dikes, and other controls for streams and shorelines; and to recover valuable mineral deposits or marine life having commercial value. In all but a few situations the excavation is undertaken by a specialist floating plant, known as a dredger. Dredging is carried out in many different locations and for many different purposes, but the main objectives are usually to recover material of value or use, or to create a greater depth of water. All dredges can generally be classified as suction or mechanical.
Dredging method used in Seamangeum
Saemangeum Gateway Project area: a) natural ground and b) reclaimed ground
Generally, the grain size distribution and shear strength of landfill soils discharged by dredge pumps greatly vary depending on its distance from the discharge point. At the design stage, it is essential to assess the deposited granular materials formed by the segregation of coarse and fine sediments. To determine the sedimentation characteristics of the dredged soil, dredging model tests were carried out.
Dredging model test setup
Deposition characteristics of dredged fill after 8th filling phase
Sediment distribution at each filling phase