Types of onshore solar foundations
Solar power typically present no negative environmental impact to the surrounding area and wildlife, and if suitably managed and designed, the impact can be favorable. They make a substantial positive contribution toward efforts to achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions, and this has a positive impact on ecology generally.
The most basic foundation for onshore solar farms is precast foundation which is applicable for flat areas. When the area is sloping, spiral anchors can be added to small precast concrete. For very steep slopes, rock anchors can be used.

Helical piles as onshore solar farm foundation
In recent years, the use of helical piles to support a variety of loads has increased for its many advantages such as ease of installation, relatively small equipment, rapid installation speed, suitability in very limited access conditions, removable, and reusable. One of its many applications includes solar farms.
Diagram of a helical pile from Screwpile Australia Diagram (authored by Steve Lewenhoff in 2007)
Solar panels supported by helical piles from helicalpile.asia
Helical pile application in Saemangeum
In the Saemangeum Development Project, the solar farms are to be constructed using helical piles as its foundation. Load tests and solar farm mock installation have been conducted at a test site near Saemangeum in preparation for the actual construction of the solar farms.
Location of helical pile load testing and solar farm mock installation
Machine used to install the helical piles
Sample helical piles
Solar farm mock installation at Saemangeum using helical piles